The Department of Local Government and Finance (DGLF) have been working diligently with the Assessor’s offices for the past year to ensure that most Counties are back to “on time billing.”
This means that most taxpayers can count once again on their real estate tax bills being due on May 10th and November 10th.
For some of you that still means that you had three tax bills due this year, however the DGLF is keeping a watchful eye over the Counties to insure that they continue to submit the necessary data on time to maintain the two tax bill per year system.
For now it seems to be working. Stay tuned to see if they can maintain the status quo during, and after the mandated 2012 reassessment.
I hate property taxes. Nobody understands this confusing tax and system better than Denise. She has saved several of my friends money on the property tax bills for their companies.